Category 1A - Defects that crash the app
- none
Category 1B - Defects that corrupt the data
- none
Category 2 - important defects with a work around
Category 3 - Inconsistent behavior
- when participants are read from a file, duplicates are immediately deleted
- but when participants are imported, duplicates are not automatically deleted
- app doesn’t request confirmation when overwriting a file
- the naming of seating charts is not consistent
Category 4A - display issues
- sometimes the first seating chart does not use the full screen
- webview sometimes will show a black navigation bar
- if internet access is not available, sometimes an error message is displayed (but the app is still running and the user can navigate back to the previous screen)
- it is hard to do scoring in landscape mode on an iPhone
- sometimes there is not enough contrast in dark mode
- special characters do not always show properly with html files and some apps to view the file (also a problem with printing)
Category 4B - other issues
- if the delimiter is changed in Settings, the user must back out of the “import” page in order for the app to recognize the new delimiter
- the app timer is not very accurate for estimating the time that complex seating charts will take
- can send email and texts from “final results” even if Settings are set to prevent emails and text messages from being sent
- when scoring, if a value has already been entered for game 1, table 1, when reopening the scoring page, it won't show the values until a picker is moved
Category 5A - typo's
Category 5B - display inconsistencies
- instructions for importing has blue background for image
- sometimes the partner score exceeds 100%